The fifth 8500 PCTC(462E) built by XSI have been successfully named

         In the morning of August 24th 2016, the ceremony for the naming of the fifth world largest PCTC (462E) for European ship owner have been successfully hold in XSI 3rd production site.

         Mrs Harumi Hiraoka, the lady sponsor of 462E, her husband executive vice president of Hitachi Construction Machinery Co Ltd Mr. Akihiko Hiraoka, Mr. Ingar Skiaker CEO of Hoegh Autoliners, Mr. Jan Rune Mørken the head of new building from Hoegh Autoliners and his wife, Mr. Chen Xing director, party committee member, secretary of committee for discipline inspection of Fujian Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd., and other more than 100 guests, leaders, representatives from in and out of country attended the ceremony.

         Before the ceremony, a drummer team constituted by XSI staffs performed the opening show then a Chinese traditional lion dancing was performed. At 9:50 a.m. the ceremony formally started, and the vice GM, Mr. Zhang Tao acted as the emcee. After raising the national flag of both sides, speeches were made separately by XSI secretary of the party committee, XSI president Mr. Li Zhenjun and the CEO of Hoegh Autoliners Mr. Ingar Skiaker.

         After exchanging souvenirs, Mr. Chen Xing secretary of Fujian Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd., Mrs Harumi Hiraoka, the lady sponsor, her husband executive vice president of Hitachi Construction Machinery Co Ltd and other 15 guests cut the ribbon for the new ship together.

         In the ceremony, the lady Sponsor, Mrs Harumi Hiraoka named the fifth 8500PCTC (462E) as “Hoegh Traveller” formally and threw a bottle of champagne for the ship. Then Mr. Ingar Skiaker donated 10,000.00 dollars to the “love foundation” of our company presenting the acknowledgement to our company. XSI vice secretary of the party committee, secretary of discipline inspection commission, chairman of labor union, Wang Xiaoxia received the donation as the representative of all company staff. Mr. Ingar Skiaker also gave souvenirs to staff representatives from different apartments of the company, presenting the acknowledgement to their effort. After the ceremony, guests and leaders took a picture before the ship and then took a visit on board separately by 30 cars.

        “Hoegh Traveller” is the fifth of this series of ships; it will join the fleet of Hoegh Autoliners, which have already become one of the five largest shipping companies.

         During the speech, XSI president secretary of the party committee Li Zhenjun pointed out: we again welcome the naming of 462E, a member of 8500PCTC series. It is impossible to get all these achievements without the supports from ship-owners, classification society and other part from society, without the hard working of XSI members. Today at here, we give our thanks to all those care and support XSI. At the same time, we will keep on working on research and management, try to perfect operation and improve corporation with ship owners and other companies, provide better service and production to our client. And at last, may favorable wind always be with the new ship,

         Till now, a total of 27 PCTC project have been started in XSI, 24 of which have been successfully named. XSI take the leading position of PCTC construction in China.
