XSI received 3 billion credits from national development bank Xiamen branch

         In the afternoon of August 25, XSI and national development bank Xiamen branch hold a strategy corporation signing ceremony together. President of the bank Yang Aiwu, vice president of the bank Song Suyan,Zhou Shulin, president of Kaiyu research and consulting company Liu Yanchao, chief accountant of Fujian Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd., Li Zhongyong, president of XSI Li Zhenjun, general manager Lin Qin, vice president Liang Hong, vice secretary of the party committee Wang Xiaoxia, CFO Li Xixin and other leader attended the ceremony.

         The ceremony was divided in two parts, the president of bank Yang Aiwu and the president of company signed a cooperation agreement together, and the vice president of the bank Zhou Shulin and CFO Li Xixin signed a loan contract of offshore wind power integrated operating platform construction project. The sign of the agreement and the contract, mean the bank and company entered the full strategy cooperation.

         After the sign of the corporation agreement, the bank and company will establish a new strategy cooperation relationship of full depth cooperation. The bank will fully take its group advantage, oversea platform advantage, full certificate advantage, plan first advantage and provide large amount and long term loan support for the transformation and upgrading and “going out” of our company; it will also provide other financial and value added service.

         After the sign of the loan contract, the bank will provide 360 million yuan to XSI for on sea wind electricity project platform construction project in two years. The support from the bank have an important meaning in improving the overall strength and competitiveness, improving the ability of construct high technology ships and helping our company control the market of high technology high value added ships.

         This cooperation is a activity of applying the spirit of “making national company bigger, stronger and better” important order from Xi Jinping general secretary. The bank and the company will establish a route of senior leader communication on this platform, process large projects and practice strategy cooperation.

         On that day, the bank and company also conducted a special communication activate. Both sides keep learning and working together when strengthen corporation, keep learning each other by the link of party construction, improve party fighting capacity, and make contribution to serve local economic society.
