XSI 2015 annual shareholder's meeting and the third meeting of fifth board of directors have been convened successfully.

       On June 17, 2016, XSI 2015 annual shareholder's meeting and the third meeting of fifth board of directors have been convened in Xiamen Hotel.

       During the meeting, directors of company and representatives of shareholder listened 2015 annual general manager and board of directors working report, financial report and other proposals delivered by company. 13 proposals have been passed on the third meeting of fifth board of directors and 8 proposals have been passed on 2015 annual shareholder meeting.

        During the meeting, representatives of shareholder and directors of company expressed their grateful to Fujian Shipbuilding Industry group co., ltd, a big shareholder of company, for their support to company. They are satisfied with XSI manage group for its effort on cost control, searching for orders, market classification and choosing high quality orders when the ship market is low on 2015, they also agree with XSI manage group working plan in 2016, make orientation for company and use ‘clearing inventory, reduce cost improve efficiency’ as main goal of company. At last, representatives of shareholder made three requirements to our company: 1 keep hard working on order receiving; 2 detail working plan established in the beginning of this year; 3 keep on working to ‘reduce cost and improve efficiency’.

        Representatives of shareholder and directors of company agree that XSI has a good foundation and large improving space. At present, on the process that world economy and Chinese economy are all on adjustment, XSI needs to do more work to face next challenge.




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