XSI publishes “2016 Annual technical expert selection method”

     In the background of applying “Chinese production 2025” strategy, artisan spirit has been written into

government working report this year.The key of cultivating artisan spirit is artisan regime, cultivating industrial

artisan custom with artisan regime, then upgrade artisan customto artisan spirit.Based on that, XSI published

“2016 Annual technical expert selection method”, aimed to encourage technical workers with highskill level to

persist in first line working and do well in imparting skill, solving problems, and promote company first line

employees learningproduction technique, practicing working skills, improving personal professional quality and

ability, grow up to become a “craftsman”, acceleratethe improving of company shipbuilding technique. This

method defined the implementation, assessment, reward and so on of technical expert selection,is a supplement

of  backbone employee regime. The quality before quantity principle should be carried aims to select employees

truly withhigh  technical skill.

     In the background of shipbuilding market, trying to survive in market plight needs support from a core

production with internationalcompetitiveness,and a production needs creation of “craftsmen”. As a labor intensive

and technology intensive company, XSI hopes to increasethe attention and usage of first line high technique skill

employee as well as encourage first line employee pay attention to the combination oftheory and practice, canters

themselves on first line projection, according to impartation regime, establish a skill evaluation system, improve

selection and commendation system of high skill employees, and make continuous cultivated production technical

workers to be backbones of firstline production.



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